
Supplier Partnerships

Our suppliers distinguish themselves by being ambitious and warm-hearted people who share our values.

Our supplier partnerships extend from Europe over Turkey to India and China, and on this page you have the opportunity to read a little more about what the suppliers each offer and how they experience our collaboration. We value working with suppliers in countries where we have detailed knowledge of the structural and cultural frameworks for a safe and rewarding collaboration.

The majority of our suppliers are certified according to GOTS, SA8000, GRS etc., but we also have smaller partners with whom we collaborate on capacity building, e.g. with a view to later certification. All our suppliers also go through our annual self-assessment, just as we also conduct frequent virtual meetings and ongoing production visits as part of the collaboration. Click on the World Map below to visit our skilled suppliers.


Sourcing House works with accountability at the heart of our partnerships. With us, you can work directly with one or more of our skilled suppliers. Through our close and in many cases years-long collaboration with the suppliers, we have built trusting and equal relationships, and through our self-assessments and ongoing meetings, we seek to raise the bar for best practice together.

Organization of courses

We put you in touch with one or more suppliers in our supplier portfolio who can, as far as possible, meet your requirements and expectations for quality, production size and certifications. In this way, we have done the initial legwork so that you can easily and efficiently expand your production network.

In supplier collaborations, Sourcing House is also available for advice and/or mediation if needed, but the format allows for a high degree of autonomy for both your company and our suppliers.